CCTV Security Camera : A Virtual Security

In securing the area there is no better option than CCTV security camera act as a virtual security in doing surveillance of the home or business. CCTV security camera can be installed in indoor as well outdoor activities for different purposes. In business, the CCTV is installed for checking the activities of employee whether they do the role they assigned correctly, in clearing the confusion or problem arose in between the employee and the customer, to judge who made the mistake to correct it or excuse them, to secure the product being mishandled or stolen etc,. In a home, securing the family or house belongings wherever you are, can check on with your mobile itself.


CCTV Surveillance Camera in Business


Functioning of a CCTV Camera:


The Components needed for functioning of a CCTV Camera


Overall the functioning of CCTV camera consists of several things they are the types of cameras to be installed related to need, DVR said to be the digital video recorder which used to encode and record the video signals transformed from the CCTV surveillance camera in hard disk, hard disk which provides a storage unit to record the video footage in it for a later view, a monitor to view the live video feeding of the CCTV camera, and finally a router with Internet connection if the video’s need to transferred over the web in the form of a website surveillance or a mobile application that can be done from a remote location, other things to be said are the connectors, cables, pins and the power supply to be taken care of.

Technology Used In:


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CCTV Security Camera used indoors and outdoors


To be said the CCTV security camera can be used both indoor and outdoor as well, the outdoor security would keep the unwanted roamers and wanderers away from insights of your home, check who enters the home with the recorded video, record any roadside incident that would act as a evident for the case later, as said above it would act as a virtual security to the whole house. Indoor CCTV security may include two-way video calls to know who is waiting outside of the door, to be secured more for children’s if their parents aren’t home, securing elderly people from unwanted intruders into the house. To say in business to check with the goods loading in trucks, employee activities inside the office, harassing of colleagues got avoided.

Evolved CCTV Camera:


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CCTV IP Wireless Security Camera


A new level of an upgrade has been made to existing CCTV security camera where there is no need of cabling and the DVR functionality which is said to be CCTV wireless IP (Internet Protocol) camera can be used an indoor or short range of coverage to the router. The configuration is made with the help of computer software and IP addresses are set for the camera to view on the web. The video coverage is wider with the PTZ mode option where you can do pan-tilt-zoom with your smartphone and video recorded is stored in the sd card. An ethernet port (if connection not with Wi-Fi and separate power supply) is also provided for giving the power source to the camera as well as transmitting the signal from the camera. The video surveillance can be done from anywhere in the world through mobile, tablet, notebook and computer and make sure the things are safe.

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